

I’ve always loved learning, opening new chapters, moving into something new. Not for nothing are most of the pictures I download pictures of paths, roads, tracks, trails winding into the distance. I have hundreds of them on my phone. This is a manifestation of that desire. In this blog, and on this site, you can find information, reviews and resources for writers, teachers, and readers.


For years, I’ve thought about how to share what I am working on, both as a teacher, a writer and a school librarian. I am a firm believer in collaboration and cooperation, and also that when we are working together, we are better and stronger. At the school where I teach, we always share what we are working on, our class materials, ideas, teaching and so on. It always improves our teaching. I work with people whose approach to teaching differs from mine, and I learn so much from them. We have the common goal of wanting the best for our students, and then our different approaches are learning opportunities for us all.

Anyway, I had the idea that I could create a website. That would enable me to share resources with others, and how hard could it be to build a website? Hundreds of hours of work later, I know the answer to that question. I’ll write a post about it in the future, but right now all you need to know is that learning something new is painful. All of you already knew that, and I did as well. I just seem to have forgotten it for a while there.

English or Norwegian?

For now, we’re a little language-confused, some of this site is in Norwegian, and some of it in English. That might change in the future, but for now, this is the way it must be. I live in Norway, and teach Norwegian (and English, but I haven’t gotten around to putting any resources for teaching English on this site, yet). Therefore, it is natural that the teaching resources should be in Norwegian. I’ve also decided that it makes sense that the resources connected to running a school library should be in Norwegian for now. The rest of the site is in English. I wrote my book in English, and well, this is how it will be. We’ll see if it works. If not, I am open to change. I am working on making this site (mostly) bilingual, but I have no idea about when that will be. We´ll see.

What You’ll Find Here

  • Resources for students and teachers, to learn or teach Norwegian. I have already uploaded some resources, and I’ll continue to do so. In Norwegian.
  • Resources for school librarians, on how to run a school library in Norway. In Norwegian.
  • Information, teasers, snippets, and posts about my book, Circus Mesmer. I am still editing it, but I want you to know about it. In English.
  • A blog with posts on writing, reading & tech, because words are what I do, and I love tech. I run courses part time at the University close to where I live, and that part of my working life is connected to digital tools and how to use them. In English.
  • All teaching and school library resources are free to use & share. I’d love it if you credit me if you use any of my stuff.
  • If you like what you see of Circus Mesmer, I´d love it if you point others to this site.

That’s it. I hope that is this the beginning of something exciting, that it can grow and mature in time. I welcome you and hope that you’ll join me going forward.


1 kommentar

  1. Reidun Adin Olaisen

    Yes, finally. I am excited already;)


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Do you have a comment or a question? Contact me, I would love to hear from you! Feel free to write in English or Norwegian.

Circus Mesmer:

Opened book beside crystal ball by Dollar Gill on Unsplash

Click here to read about Circus Mesmer (YA, F, CONT)

All posts:

Circus Mesmer

Unpublished book by Gry Jacobsen
YA | Contemporary Fantasy


  • The X-factors: Teenagers Lennox, Max & Alex
  • The Secret: Supernatural Powers
  • The Mystery: Parents' Disappearance
  • The Quest: Uncover the Truth
  • The Prospects: Uncertain


...if you have a question or a comment. I would love to hear from you!
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